Design With EasySTONE it is possible to design free geometrical entities and to design from predefined parametric models (libraries): vanity tops, kitchen tops, openings, tables, etc. EasySTONE, linked to DDXPhoto, imports pictures of slabs from digital cameras.ĮasySTONE is structured into four different steps: Design, Tools and Machining Management, Table and Pieces Disposition, NC-Code Generation. EasySTONE, linked to DDXNest, manages geometric shapes nesting both interactive and automatic.
EasySTONE is complete and fully manages the stone processing avoiding purchase, maintenance, training costs for other additional products: from design to disposition of pieces and underpieces on the bench, 3D automatic collision detection with simulation, machining optimization and program generation. EasySTONE is the ideal CAD/CAM for marble and similar materials working industry by numerically controlled machining centres.